Progressive Education Pillars

Our Approach to Progressive Education


Our students build caring relationships as they engage in authentic discussions. They learn to voice their own opinions while also considering the perspectives of others.


Our students become both independent and collaborative learners as they are trusted to make meaningful choices. They learn to recognize their own abilities, the abilities of others, and how they can support each other’s growth.

Critical Thinking

Our students become risk-takers and critical thinkers by engaging in experiences that activate curiosity, are meaningful, and are purposeful.

Teachers & Learners

Our students are learners and teachers. They ask questions, engage in investigations as they seek answers to their questions, and share theirlearning with others.

Interdependence with Nature

Through many hours of outdoor exploration, our students recognize and build interdependent relationships with the natural world and understand their positions of environmental stewardship.

Be You and Be Known

Students have opportunities to work and play with children and adults of all ages. Regardless of age, each individual has a voice in the community.

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